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Month: May 2021

New Commison

In this time of Covid,there's very little money to be made as an artist. With all the galleries shut down, all the in-person shows cancelled,the only thing we have is our online shops. So when you get a commission,it's a good thing. I'm extremely grateful. I got a commission for a 60”x24” scratchboard…
The theme is the North Atlantic. This particular commission is being designed for a people who own a house on Ile Madame. They want to celebrate the beauty of the creatures that exist there. They loved my piece, "Wanderlust" and want something very similar. I will take you through the process of this piece being created.
This is the beginning of my new piece . First thing I do is come up with an image. I do a drawing and then I transfer the image onto the scratchboard with white transfer paper.
Not sure what to name it yet but I am going with the working name” North Atlantic dance”.
In this image I have included many sea animals;Right whales because they are becoming extinct. Some animals that are typical to Nova Scotia like black bears and hares. 
The fun begins. Stay tune for the next episode .