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Month: September 2014

A Journey


Well my open reception was fantastic. We had sushi, sparking water all the component for a successful opening. Owned and curated by Rebecca Baptista. The Impresario Artisan Market.  Is such a great place .What I love about this place is that we can see all kinds of art and it”s all magnificent and affordable. Rebecca is totally  awesome in getting a show together,  I did not worry  to how the show would look.

So all the component for a successful show were in place. What demands a show to be a success? To me it’s not large crowds of people coming out,( I hate crowds). It meeting the few that understand your journey because they have gone on the same adventure. It’s that moment when you realize you are not alone. If  I can connect with one person at a show opening then to me that it is a success. I meet a few incredible people who were also artist.

If my art can start a conversation then I have done my job successfully.

I must thank the extraordinary people for the great conversation we did have .

Show runs till Sept .30th

Here is a link about the show
